In this article, find out the details of any bank where you can get good returns and good interest on Savings. Always choosing a savings account is one of the most important. The reason is that savings should always be the ones that can bring good returns.
As well as interest is something to look out for. If you save money on hand do you have to pay good interest on it or not? This is why many people take money from their savings accounts and put it in fixed deposit and RD deposit schemes. What would you do if you got a better interest savings account than that?
Many people forget to note that small banks pay higher interest rates than public and private banks at this time. Here are the details of some banks that offer good interest in that category.
Do you know about Equitas Small Finance Bank? Here low-interest loans are provided to rural and urban women’s groups. Moreover, this bank offers a maximum of 7% interest on savings account openers. The minimum balance in this bank is between Rs. 2,500 and Rs. 5,000.
DCB Bank: Savings accounts offer interest rates of up to 6.65 per cent. Customers at this bank have a minimum balance of Rs 2,500 to Rs 5,000. In addition, from time to time loans are given to the account holders of this bank. Similarly, Ujjeevan Bank offers 7% interest on savings accounts. It has also implemented credit and concessional credit facilities for rural women’s self-help groups.