In a groundbreaking development, Chunghwa Telecom and NTT Corporation have successfully activated the world’s first International IOWN APN between Taiwan and Japan. This innovative network connection, spanning approximately 3,000 kilometers, achieves ultra-low latency of just 17 milliseconds. This milestone marks a significant advancement in global telecommunications, promising enhanced connectivity and stability for various applications.
A New Era of Connectivity
The collaboration between Chunghwa Telecom and NTT Corporation has resulted in a pioneering achievement in the field of telecommunications. By leveraging their strengths in optical and wireless transmission technologies, the two companies have established a robust and stable connection between Taiwan and Japan. This connection, known as the International IOWN APN, utilizes All-Photonics Network technology to ensure low latency and minimal jitter.
The network architecture supports a 100 Gbps bandwidth optical path, providing a round-trip time of 33.84 milliseconds. This impressive performance is a testament to the advanced technologies employed by both Chunghwa Telecom and NTT Corporation. The successful implementation of this network paves the way for future innovations in global connectivity.
Applications and Future Prospects
The International IOWN APN is set to revolutionize various industries by providing a reliable and high-speed connection between Taiwan and Japan. One of the key applications of this network is in the field of interactive immersive entertainment. Chunghwa Telecom plans to demonstrate this capability at the upcoming NTT R&D Forum 2024, showcasing the potential of low-latency communication for real-time applications.
Additionally, NTT Corporation aims to utilize this network for data backup and replication services, enhancing disaster countermeasures and ensuring business continuity. The International IOWN APN will also support smart factory initiatives, particularly in the semiconductor and manufacturing sectors. This collaboration highlights the potential for cross-border technological advancements and sets a precedent for future international partnerships.
Endorsements and Industry Impact
The successful activation of the International IOWN APN has garnered praise from industry leaders and stakeholders. Shui-Yi Kuo, Chairman and CEO of Chunghwa Telecom, expressed his enthusiasm for the collaboration, emphasizing the importance of innovative technologies in shaping the future of global connectivity. Akira Shimada, President and CEO of NTT Corporation, echoed these sentiments, highlighting the significance of this achievement in the context of international cooperation.
This milestone not only strengthens the relationship between Taiwan and Japan but also sets a new standard for global telecommunications. The International IOWN APN serves as a model for future projects, demonstrating the potential of advanced network technologies to bridge geographical distances and enhance communication capabilities. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, such innovations will play a crucial role in driving progress and fostering collaboration across borders.